Who are we ?


Our school has a history that began more than 20 years ago. It was founded in 1999 in the capital of the Broye fribourgeoise (Estavayer). Initially modest with an influence on a small circle, it flourished to the great delight of hundreds of young people and adults. They all attended various training courses such as computer courses, coaching, tutoring and of course language courses.

In 2007, a branch office was opened in the heart of the city of Fribourg for the benefit of companies and students with training needs, particularly in the language field.

At the beginning of 2018, Mrs Esther Brocard and her husband Serge Brocard took over the management of the company. In order to increase its visibility, the Sthenlingua school was renamed SWISS LINGUA in spring 2020.

The entire SWISS LINGUA team is passionate about providing language courses adapted to the needs of their clients from all walks of life: whether for local or international companies or for individuals of all ages. We are very happy about the success of our learners.

Our teachers

Our vision

We respond to your desire to discover, learn, absorb, understand, deepen, acquire, strengthen or master the language you are aiming for, in a personal way.

To be able to express yourself in one or more foreign languages brings a better life dynamic and takes you further, whether in your career and/or in your private life.

Therefore our slogan: Boost your career, learn languages 

Our mission

  • To give you the best possible support and guidance in your project to learn a language, taking into account all your actual skills and experience
  • To tailor the perfect strategy to have you reach your expectations and your goals
  • To provide you the top innovative and dynamic learning tools that will help you to learn the language quicker and more efficiently
  • To reinforce your written and oral communication leading your to a comfortable and fluent expression thanks to a close collaboration
  • To provide you with the finest hight quality language teaching attested by the current standards (CECR) in force
  • To offer you the top support required to assist you in your personal work


We believe that the most successful learning is connected to a personalized, diversified, lively and dynamic language teaching. We also consider the time frames you have committed to as much as possible.

Our mission is to give you the chance to take full profit of our highly qualified trainers and the most efficient resources that enable you to accelerate, upgrade and simplify your language learning.

Our values

The success of SWISS LINGUA after over more than 20 years of experience is based on 4 main core values founded on proximity and simplicity at the service of our learners.

They are deeply omnipresent within our teams and have been forged over time. We put them forward internally in our management principles and externally in the relationships we maintain with our clients, service providers and partners.

The quality

The SWISS LINGUA spirit is primarily and foremost a commitment to provide the most efficient service to our customers. This commitment drives our experts/trainers to a continuous pursuit for perfectiont in the field of pedagogical and methodical teaching.

Customer’s satisfaction

The SWISS LINGUA spirit is a commitment to listen to our clients, to support them towards the dream they have set themselves and to commit themselves to it until its fulfillment.

The customer’s experience, its success and its satisfaction are at the heart of our concerns, the very DNA of our entire language training concept.

The behaviour ethics

The SWISS LINGUA spirit aims to establish and maintain relationships based on respect and long-term trust. We are devoted to guarantee the implementation of the universal principles of Human Rights, we promote equal wages and we encourage each other’s gifts.
We keep this motto: Whatever good I would like to be done to me, I do to others.


The SWISS LINGUA spirit stands for constant innovation in all areas; it involves taking into account the issues and societal changes that influence our organisations and development of new services with a desire to place customers and employees at the center of our considerations.

The management team

Esther Brocard

Serge Brocard
Business Partner

Sylvain Brocard
Accounting and marketing management

Estelle Brocard

HR and Sales manager

Lucas Brocard
Project manager assistant

Sebastien Chardonnens
Pedagogical manager