Face-to-face courses / Private tutoring

Private tutoring

Elementary and secondary 1
Apprenticeship and secondary 2

The pupils and students can improve their results with personalised tutoring during the school year. They can also take advantage of refresher courses and school revisions during the holidays.  Students work under the supervision of qualified teachers to reach their goals and required level.

Infos pratiques

  • Subjects: French, math, physics, chemistry, accounting, German, English, Italian, Spanish, etc…
  • Structure: private course or group courses of the same grade level
  • Number of courses: 12
  • Length : 60 minutes per lesson
  • Requested material: school books, lessons, exercises, evaluations and pencil case during the course
  • Location: in our school in Estavayer or Fribourg


  • Improve academic knowledge and skills
  • Improve school performance
  • Improve learning strategies
  • Develop self-confidence


The course is adapted to the student’s specific academic needs with the possibility of combining school subjects. The tutoring pack includes different aspects of learning strategies with the unit “Learning how to learn”

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